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Relatable | Overview

Test App | Viewer App

Interactives | Docs

Re-Engagement | Docs

Integrations | Docs

Library | Docs

Use Case | Docs


1. Mission and Community Guidelines

At Relatable Platform, we are driven by a profound mission to inspire creativity and cultivate joy. Our core purpose revolves around unlocking the limitless potential of human imagination, empowering creative expression, and providing a wellspring of entertainment and enrichment that spans the global stage. We extend a warm embrace to individuals from every corner of the world, uniting them on the Relatable Platform to explore diverse ideas, engage with creators, discover products, and foster meaningful connections within our community.

In our unwavering commitment to nurturing a secure, trustworthy, and vibrant digital ecosystem, we steadfastly uphold a comprehensive set of Community Guidelines. These guidelines serve as a compass, delineating rules and standards that govern the use of the Relatable Platform. They are universally applicable, extending their reach to encompass all facets of our platform. Meticulously crafted, these guidelines draw wisdom from international legal frameworks, industry best practices, insights garnered from our community, the expertise of safety and public health professionals, and the guidance of our regional Advisory Councils. Moreover, we continuously adapt and refine these guidelines to effectively address emerging risks and potential challenges arising from evolving user behaviors.

Our content moderation strategy stands on three foundational pillars:

  1. Removal of Violative Content: We diligently enforce the removal of content that runs afoul of our established rules.
  2. Age-Restriction of Mature Content: Content of a mature nature is subjected to age restrictions, ensuring access solely for individuals classified as adults (18 years and older).
  3. Empowering Our Community: We equip our community with invaluable information, tools, and resources to facilitate responsible and meaningful engagement.